Three staff members are in charge of the daily routine of approximately 60 children aged 3-12 years. In addition we have a cook, cleaner, and two colleagues sponsored by foundations (Thanks to the Gabriele Fink Foundation), a temp, volunteer, and alternating interns.
We do our own cooking (organic, whole foods, seasonal); offer year-round guidance to and from school; provide traffic safety courses; give close homework support, instruction in animal care; music, ping pong, and Design Dwarfs (designing and sewing for children).
The generous rooms of MOTTE Nursery/Day Care Center and the ability to use the various workshops (metal, woodworking, bicycle shop, etc.) open up several possible activities for the children. The attractive exterior landscape with play yard and soccer field is accessible to all children – without having to cross the street. In addition, we offer frequent field trips and a vacation trip.