Volunteers play a significant role in the history of MOTTE. Volunteers organized the workshop team program for the community. The open appointments in MOTTE workshops are organized by approximately 60 volunteers.
Neighbourhood activities are also initiated by volunteers. The interaction between employees and volunteers has binding structures that are continually changing and being renewed.
Anyone who is interested in volunteering at MOTTE is welcome. Please set up an appointment with us to learn more about us and where you can help make a difference.
The AKTIVOLI Volunteer Exchange
Interest in volunteering has not decreased. However, connecting wishes and goals of volunteers with opportunities can be difficult to fulfill. The depth of experience from our cooperation with volunteers has brought MOTTE into networks that have made in strengthening volunteerism a goal. MOTTE has been a partner in the Aktivoli Network since 1999.The AKTIVOLI Volunteer Exchange takes place yearly on a Sunday in January/February. The main organizer is the Working Group of Free Public Welfare Work Hamburg (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Freien Wohlfahrtspflege Hamburg e.V). The Aktivoli Network has organized the Volunteer Exchange at the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce since 1999. Approximately 5,000 people visit the Exchange to learn more about volunteerism. In the beginning MOTTE supported the organization and implementation of this yearly Exchange. Aktivoli Network develops new concepts regarding volunteerism in Hamburg. The connection between public administration and politics ensure that initiatives to strengthen volunteer opportunities coincide with people’s interests in volunteering.
www.aktivoli.de and www.aktivoli.de/aufdraht/
For More Information about Volunteering with MOTTE:
Please Contact Ms. Alena Ottersbach, Email: alena.ottersbach@diemotte.de, Telephone: +49-40-3992-6245