MOTTE has enjoyed international visitors from the very beginning. We maintain these contacts, initiate exchange programs for youths and skilled specialists.
We especially want to provide young people with the opportunity to have contact with international exchanges – this includes travel, exchange of ideas and experiences that make a great impact in a person’s development.
Network International youth work in Hamburg
Thanks to this network, qualified employees and volunteers in Hamburg that were successfully implementing international exchange projects or are planning to implement, can exchange their know-how. The diverse and innovative international youth work should make visible. Actors of the network aim to show successes and convince political decision-makers, that international youth work is a powerful mean to influence positively the development of young people in our globalized world.
International youth work is an important complement to usual work with children and youth. The network aims to encourage potential actors to share know-how and to establish support systems that can stimulate the youth work mostly based on voluntary. It is organized by some already established actors and supported by the local office for work, social, family and integration (BASFI).
MOTTE initiated “Sound in the Silence” an international and intercultural project that focuses on new forms of remembrance carried out in collaboration with the artists Dan Wolf and Jens Huckeriede. Since 2011 editions were continously developed in cooperation with ENRS-European Network Remebrance and Solidarity, Memorial Neuengamme, Hamburg and Memorial Ravensbrück, Brandenburg. Artistic director is Dan Wolf.
Within the framework of the altonale cultural festival we organize country specific themes and partnerships. This has led to a close partnership with various consulates in Hamburg. Our goal is to create long-term internationalization of these projects. Intercultural field work needs international exchange – our projects demonstrate this over and over again.
We also enjoy a long-term community partnership between the quarter and Mukojima/Tokyo and Hirano/Osaka in Japan.
MOTTE nursery/day care center collaborated in Hamburg with dock Europe, the French institution CEMEA, and has participated in a three-month exchange program for young nursery school teachers in 2007.
Cooperative Projects and Contacts since 1995:
Burkina Faso, Brazil, Finland, France, Israel, Japan, Norway, Poland, Russia, Spain, Turkey, USA, United Arab Emirates. International Visitors: Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, China, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Denmark, Italy, Jordan, Korea, Nicaragua, Sweden, and Tunisia.